These are photos from Mia's previous garden in East Vancouver.
July 2010 - June 2010 - May 2010 - April 2010 - February 2010 - July 2009 - June 2009 - May 2009 - April 2009 - February and March 2009 - January 2009 - December 2008 - November 2008 - October 2008 - August and September 2008 - July 2008 - June 2008 - April and May 2008 - 2007
May 2009
May 01/2009: May panorama. The people in the downstairs suite of the house have a baby, hence the baby chair and blanket... I was going to rip out that grass but now that they use it I could just leave it...
May 01/2009: Baby leeks! (Allium ampeloprasum porrum) Last year we had one leek go to seed, and the giant seed-head fell right here. Once they get a little bigger, we'll transplant them somewhere.
May 01/2009: More volunteers from last year: Borago officinalis, aka Borage. I used borage as mulch last year, and it left a LOT of seeds everywhere. In fact, we didn't even plant borage last year, it re-seeded itself from 2007!
May 01/2009: And yet another volunteer, Russian Red Kale (Brassica oleracea Acephala Group). This stuff is great in stir-fry, we are really happy that it came back again.
May 01/2009: Forget-me-nots, another volunteer. We've never planted these - they were either in the yard before we moved here, or they are from "mystery seeds"...
May 01/2009: Mystery plant! I have no clue what this is. If you know, please tell me!! :)
May 01/2009: These on the other hand, we know well... blueberries!! (Vaccinum sp. ... it's either a corymbosum "hardiblue", or a corymbosum x angustifolium "northcountry", we have one of each but have forgotten which is which...) We only planted them last year, and they are already making berries!
May 01/2009: Another familiar favourite: strawberries (Fragaria sp.)
May 01/2009: Strawberry flowers, closeup.
May 01/2009: Marjoram, Origanum onites, is back with a vengeance.
May 01/2009: Oregano, Origanum vulgare, has also returned, but not doing as well. Not sure why, perhaps there's not enough space/soil left in the cinderblock.
May 01/2009: Golden sage, Salvia officinalis aureus, doing quite well, despite being in the most shaded part of the garden. (it's in the north-most bed, right by the house... the sun almost never hits it)