These are photos from Mia's previous garden in East Vancouver.
July 2010 - June 2010 - May 2010 - April 2010 - February 2010 - July 2009 - June 2009 - May 2009 - April 2009 - February and March 2009 - January 2009 - December 2008 - November 2008 - October 2008 - August and September 2008 - July 2008 - June 2008 - April and May 2008 - 2007
October 2008
Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) in bloom, with a honeybee.
An almost-ripe Indian Stripe heirloom tomato (Solanum lycopersicum).
I have a mantra: October is going to be warm and all of my tomatoes are going to ripen.
I ripped out the potatoes from their bed, and now the patty-pan squash is getting some light. Here's a baby squash!
Some unknown (but probably deadly) mushrooms growing on my raised-bed-bordered-with-old-logs. I'm thinking they are feeding on the dead logs.
These are marigolds (Tagetes patula?) that we grew from mystery seeds. This plant is about six feet tall and didn't bloom until mid-September... it just kept getting taller and taller.
More of the same plant. It really is a monster.
Cosmos: another late bloomer, also a mystery. From the look of the foliage and the seeds we thought that this one was going to be a caraway plant... until it bloomed a few weeks ago. Going back to my notes, the seeds are definitely too long to be caraway. I'm glad though - they are keeping the garden colourful when the rest of the ornamentals are dying back.
More marigolds, these ones were bought. They're hanging on nicely into the fall.
Pineapple mint (Mentha suaveolens varigata). It's gorgeous and healthy... then we tried making tea out of it and it tasted awful. So it's getting dug up and given away.
Mystery sweetpeas. I don't think we'll get much edibles from them, but they sure are pretty.
Sweetpeas in the rain. If you look closely at the raindrops, you can see the reflections of the houses and trees around the garden.
Deadly galerina mushrooms growing in one of our potted plants.
More deadly galerina mushrooms.
Lemon-scented thyme (Thymus citriodorus).
Flowers from a mystery Brassica - it's some kind of yummy leafy green. There are still bees out there on it, so I'm letting it go to seed. I don't mind if we have a bed full of these next year.
The side bed again... the are the yellow flowers in the foreground, the cosmos, and the red sweetpeas. The green pot right in front is one of the ones with the mushrooms growing in it.
More cosmos (Cosmos sp.)... I like the way they look with all the raindrops.
Cosmos with raindrops, closeup.
The one in the centre with the lily-pad leaves is a wasabi (Wasabi japonica). It is much happier now that it is getting more rain.