These are photos from Mia's previous garden in East Vancouver.
July 2010 - June 2010 - May 2010 - April 2010 - February 2010 - July 2009 - June 2009 - May 2009 - April 2009 - February and March 2009 - January 2009 - December 2008 - November 2008 - October 2008 - August and September 2008 - July 2008 - June 2008 - April and May 2008 - 2007
June 2008
June 1/2008: A little panorama I stitched together without much effort... still, you get a good idea of what it looks like. I finished transplanting the kale (extreme right). The space to the left of the crescent-shaped cucumber bed is much more open now that the kale is gone.
June 1/2008: A closer view of the new kale bed, with the soon-to-bloom leek in the middle. I arranged the long kale stems into the bed and covered them with dirt - hopefully they'll figure it out. The two huge gangly kales wilting against the fence are the only two I couldn't fit into the bed.
June 1/2008: An Egyption walking-onion, or tree-onion (Allium cepa var. proliferum). It grows more onions at the top... if you don't replant them yourself, they'll fall over year after year and reseed themselves, "walking" across your garden.
June 1/2008: The potato bed is going crazy. There are also dill sprouts, onions, climbing mystery beans and squash... but the potatoes are currently hogging all the space (and sunshine!) The blue pot has a heritage "Indian Stripe" tomato in it.
June 2/2008: We have three types of beans - green, yellow and purple. The purple ones are totally winning. The stuff in between the rows is cut up radish tops - they dry out into a mulch that keeps moisutre in the bed and discourages weeds.
Hot Tamale miniature roses (Rosa sp.) in bloom.
June 2/2008: Orange Balsam thyme (Thymus vulgaris) in bloom.
June 10/2008: Rainbow chard (Beta vulgaris) seedling. We're excited about this one because it's yellow - most of the other ones are pink or white. The frilly-leaved seedlings around it are carrots, and the one with the broadl leaves in the bottom right corner is a borage seedling (Borago officinalis). Borage has fuzzy cucumber-flavoured leaves and really pretty blue flowers.
June 10/2008: First strawberry (Fragaria sp.) of the year!
June 13/2008: A bee in the comfrey (Symphytum officinale).
June 13/2008: Freshly harvested Swiss Ricola mint (Mentha piperita var. swiss) drying on one of my grandmother's vintage flour-sack tea-towels... I think Martha would approve.
June 13/2008: "Mystery" irises (Iris sp.) that turned out to be a lovely midnight purple.